General Inquiries and Issues
- How does WebChaver work?
- How much does Webchaver cost?
- My internet isn't working
- How does WebChaver address personal privacy
- How do I join WebChaver?
- What to send to your internet provider's tech support to allow Covenant Eyes to run
Chavers and Reports
- May Contain Graphic Content Warning
- What does 'Activity Missing' in my report mean?
- My chaver hasn't verified to be my chaver
- My chaver or I didn't receive my report
- How do I create an account for a chaver?
- How do I add a chaver or switch chavers?
Subscriptions and Groups
- How to join a WebChaver group
- How to create a YishmorEini group
- What is YishmorEini?
- How do I update my credit card information
- How to reactivate a cancelled WebChaver account?
- How to retrieve my username and/or password
Internet Filter
- My filter isn't working
- How do I add or remove filtering?
- The filter is blocking too much
- Can I have different filters settings for 2 devices (or filtering on one but not on the other)?
- Why isn't Youtube working?
- How to block search engines
Devices and the Covenant Eyes App
- Install on Windows
- Install on Mac
- Filtering Setting and blocking Levels
- What devices does Covenant Eyes work on?
- How to tell if Covenant Eyes is running on my device
- How to install the Covenant Eyes app