If your chaver hasn't responded to the verification email we sent to them, there could be a few reasons why:
1. Your chaver simply didn't notice the email in their inbox. Ask your chaver to look for the email.
2. If your chaver didn't see the email, you can send it again. Open your account and go to the 'Chaverim' page. If it says 'Unconfirmed' by your chaver, click the 'request confirmation' link.
3. If your chaver still isn't getting the request email, it could be that it ended up in their spam or junk folder.
4. Or, your chaver has more than one email account, and they are looking in the wrong one. Make sure the email account your chaver is checking corresponds to the email address you entered.
5. If you chaver still can't find the email, please contact us at support@webchaver.com.
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